Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Berkshire Hathaway Phenomenon In the Context of Modern...

Berkshire Hathaway Phenomenon In the Context of Modern Finance Theory Septtember 2013 Berkshire Hathaway Phenomenon In the Context of Modern Finance Theory Introduction Over the 46 years ending December 2012, Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) has achieved a compound, after-tax, rate of return in excess of 20% p.a. Such consistent, long term, out performance might be viewed as incompatible with modern finance theory. This essay discusses the Berkshire Hathaway phenomenon in the context of modern finance theory. Part 1 Modern Portfolio Theory Berkshire Hathaway’s investing strategies mainly differ with modern portfolio theory on two aspects. The first one is the attitude towards the undesirable thing in†¦show more content†¦Having compared the differences, it is still worth noting that Markowitz did not rule out fundamental analysis in portfolio selection process, as is said in his foregoing paper,(Markowitz, 1952)â€Å"the process of selecting a portfolio may be divided into two stages. The first stage starts with observation and experience and ends with beliefs about the future performances of available securities. The second stage starts with relevant beliefs about future performances and ends with the choice of portfolio. This paper is concerned with the second stage†. Part 2 Efficient Market Hypothesis The strong form of efficient market hypothesis states that all information, no matter public or private, instantaneously affects current stock price. Semi-strong form is only concerned with public information, while the weak form suggests that current stock price reflects information in the previous prices. In short, they simply imply that in the long run, no one should be able to beat the market in terms of investment return. As is said in Fama’s paper in 1970, (Eugene F, 1970)â€Å"the evidence in support of the efficient markets model is extensive, and (somewhat uniquely in economics) contradictory evidence is sparse†. However, Warren Buffet has always criticised efficient market hypothesis as much as he could. The majorShow MoreRelatedMerger and Acquisition: Current Issues115629 Words   |  463 Pagesassisted in the selection of articles for this book. GNG KLN xi This page intentionally left blank Notes on the Contributors The Editors Greg N. Gregoriou is Professor of Finance in the School of Business and Economics at State University of New York (Plattsburgh), USA. He obtained his joint PhD in Finance from the University of Quebec at Montreal, which pools the resources, with Montreal’s three major universities (McGill University, Concordia University and Hautes-Etudes (Commerciales)Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesupdated on the book website. International Management is generally recognized to be the first â€Å"mainline† text of its kind. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Nancy Bligh Was Born October 25Th, 1954 In Paterson, New

Nancy Bligh was born October 25th, 1954 in Paterson, New Jersey to Elizabeth Anne Gormley and Edward Bligh. When Elizabeth gave birth to her third child Nancy, she immediately felt like she was going into labor again. To everyone’s amazement, she gave birth again to a fourth child! Sadly, when she asked the doctor what the gender of the other child was, the doctor said, â€Å"You don’t need to know that. You just gave birth to a healthy baby girl. That is all you need to know.† Back then the doctors did not have to tell you everything they tell you know. Liz, swears that she gave birth twice so Nancy would have been a twin, but the other baby was a stillborn. The doctors would not talk to her about it. Nancy and her family moved to Guilford,†¦show more content†¦Over time he became a local and they family finally fit in. Nancy’s mother Elizabeth was the tenth out of thirteen children. She married at 16 and had six children of her own. Nancyâ€℠¢s father was 19 when he married Elizabeth, and he was the youngest of four children. They felt obligated to get married because Liz was pregnant and it was not socially acceptable for her to be a single teenage mother. After 16 years of marriage they got a divorce and Nancy’s mom moved back to New Jersey. Years later she moved to Arizona so that she could live near her own mother. Liz remarried in Arizona, but never had any more children. Her dad lived in Sangerville, Maine after the divorce. Eventually, he remarried and divorced for the second time. Luckily he got a son named Billy out of that marriage. Edward decided at the age of 48 to take a sabbatical from the real-estate business and travel. After he split from his ex-wife he traveled while he still had his health. At the age of 69 Edward Bligh died of lung cancer. He acquired lung cancer most likely from smoking cigarettes for the majority of his life. While Ed was still living with cancer, Nancy took him to all of hi s doctors appointments as well as to all of his scheduled radiation and chemotherapy appointments. Sadly, he only lived eighteen months after he was diagnosed. Nancy was twelve years old when her parents divorced and the family was split up. Half

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Industrial Management And Consultation Project †

Question: Discuss about the Industrial Management And Consultation Project. Answer: This report deals with organization that plays an important role in the integration of the diversity as well as managing consultation to the other organizations. To help understand the functions and the project activities of these organizations, an organization has been cited to help in the better understanding. The organization taken for the assignment is Gulf Integration. The secondary sources describe, discuss, analyze, evaluate, summarize and interpret the process of primary sources. The well-known secondary source materials are newspaper articles, journals, magazines and reviews that discuss or evaluate original research of someone else. Bibliographical works, encyclopaedia, literature review, scholar books and treatises are the less popular secondary research sources. Secondary sources are commonly one or more steps removed from the event or time period and generated after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The drawback of secondary data research is that it lacks the freshness and immediacy of the original material. Occasionally, secondary sources would gather, decorate and repackage primary source information to enhance the usability and speed of delivery. The Gulf Integration is a real estate and retail sector who have their businesses in Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE and Bahrain (Abu?Qarn and Abu?Bader 2008). We have incorporated the data of trade investment of the Gulf Integration of Singapore. Singapores fiscal policy stance in recent years (2013-2017) is mildly expansionary as the budget continues to support the economy. Growth in few sectors such as offshore and marine engineering, and to a certain extent, construction continues to limp along with domestic consumption and investment. It displays weakness that could slow down economic expansion in the forecast period. Some stock indexes such as Composite Stock Price Index, Broad Money Growth, Headline Inflation Rate, Industrial or Manufacturing Production Growth Rate, Merchandise Export Growth and Exchange Rate Index could be interpreted in this secondary research (Buiter 2008). The excel files could be downloaded from company website and the online website is referred as secondary data resource. The Real Sector mainly concentrates on three segments 1) monthly inflation, industrial production and retail sales 2) Quarterly GDP and its components 3) Annual GDP and inflation. The External Sector secondarily considers 1) Daily Exchange Rate 2) Weekly Exchange Rate 3) Monthly Exchange Rate, Reserves and Trade 4) Quarterly External Debt (Balance of Payments) 5) Annual Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate, External Debt and Trade. The secondary data of Monetary and Financial Sector could be apprehended in several sectors such as- 1) Daily Policy Rate, Stock Price 2) Weekly Stock Price 3) Monthly Broad Money, Credit value, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Policy Rate and Stock Price 4) Annual Broad Money, Commercial Bank Assets Equity, Loans, Stock Price. The secondary data of free trade agreements of Gulf Integration is collected from company website and publications. However, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plans to adopt selected macroeconomic and institutional issues and key policy choices that are likely to arise during the method of monetary integration (Sturm and Siegfried 2005). The main findings of Secondary data resources and researches are- A supranational GCC monetary institution is needed to conduct a single monetary and exchange rate policy driven to economic, monetary and financial conditions in the monetary policy as a whole. GCC member states have already achieved a remarkable degree of monetary convergence. However, fiscal convergence remains an issue and required to be supported by a proper fiscal policy framework (Sturm et al. 2008). There is currently a high degree of structural convergence, although this is expected to diminish in view of the method of diversification in GCC economics that calls for adequate policy responses. References Sturm, M. and Siegfried, N., 2005. Regional monetary integration in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Buiter, W.H., 2008. Economic, political, and institutional prerequisites for monetary union among the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council.Open Economies Review,19(5), pp.579-612. Sturm, M., Strasky, J., Adolf, P. and Peschel, D., 2008. The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries-Economic Structures, Recent Developments and Role in the Global Economy. Abu?Qarn, A.S. and Abu?Bader, S., 2008. On the optimality of a GCC monetary union: structural VAR, common trends, and common cycles evidence.The world economy,31(5), pp.612-630.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Influence Of Mega Events On Tourism Tourism Essay Example

Influence Of Mega Events On Tourism Tourism Essay Mega-events addition more and more importance for assorted facets. On the one manus they have immense impacts on the host states and on the other manus they play a important function for the touristry industry ( Roche, 2000 ) . These yearss a immense scope of mega-events is offered to diverse mark groups. Harmonizing to Getz ( 1991 ; as cited in Robertson, 2006 ) athletics events are more celebrated for male participants whereas humanistic disciplines and cultural events derive more importance for female participants. The scope of mega-events offered are large featuring events like the Olympic Games, the FIFA football World Cup, Formula One, every bit good as many more subjects. Furthermore there are besides World Fairs like the Expo, large music festivals as for illustration the Glastonbury Festival in the sou-west of England or the Cannes Film Festival in France, merely to call some of the legion offers. All of them are taking topographic point in different states, parts or metropoliss spread out all over the universe. Some of them ever stay in one location whereas others rotate or change the locale each clip. Besides there is besides a fluctuation in the frequence the events take topographic point. There are some events that are hold several times during a twelvemonth and there are others that are one time a twelvemonth whereas many merely even occur every 2nd, 3rd or 4th twelvemonth. Besides the continuance of each individual event varies. We will write a custom essay sample on Influence Of Mega Events On Tourism Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Influence Of Mega Events On Tourism Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Influence Of Mega Events On Tourism Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The purpose of this essay is to critically measure the influence mega-events have on touristry. It contains general information about mega-events, like definitions. As there is a immense scope of different events along with many issues, the writer of this essay is concentrating on athleticss mega-events merely ; on their diverse stakeholders every bit good as on the undertaking of hosting them. The essay ends with a decision and recommendations for future mega- events. Mega-events in general are non easy to specify due to the different signifiers as mentioned in the debut. In 1988 Jafari did non cognize how to clearly specify them. For him it was non clear what an event needed to carry through to be considered a mega-event. Therefore he had the undermentioned inquiries that needed to be answered beforehand: Is it more of import to see the figure of visitants attracted ? Or should it be the continuance or the orientation it has that makes it a mega-event ( Jafar Jafari, 1988: 272 ) ? However, Robertson ( 2006: 1 ) presented the definition Roche ( 1994 ) made: Mega-events are best understood as large-scale cultural ( including commercial and featuring ) events which have a dramatic character, mass popular entreaty and international significance. Roche avoids paying attending to the continuance but in contrast considers the international importance as a key-value. Sing the global significance he mentions within his definition, can be absolutely reflected in the country of athleticss mega-events which are performed by international jocks and at the same time are watched all over the universe. But before even reasoning about athleticss mega-events it is of import to specify what they are considered to be. Harmonizing to Horne ( 2006 ) sport mega-events are of import elements in the orientation of states to international or planetary society. As can be seen here, Horne talks about the importance of the global idea as good. This makes obvious that mega-events ever have an influence on the whole universe. There is the possibility that they take topographic point about all over the universe and besides that the visitants are coming from all over the universe, excessively, to watch such a spectacle, which covers the touristry facet in this instance. But it is of import to be cognizant that every individual event has a different figure of visitants coming due to several grounds. Above all it is necessary to look at the topographic point the event takes topographic point. This is really important because of likely bing political issues, terrorist onslaughts, conditions ( e.g. monsoon ) and wellness hazards ( e.g. malaria ) for illustration, tourers would instead see a state where they fee l safe than a state where they perchance would be afraid of. So the figure of visitants attracted is non merely dependant on the subject of the event itself but besides on the state where it takes topographic point. One cardinal inquiry is: why did mega-events addition such an importance for the whole planetary community within the last old ages? To clear up this inquiry Horne ( 2006 ) suggests as stated in Robertson ( 2006:2 ) that there are three grounds for the enlargement and turning attractive force of mega-events. First he mentions the media as an of import factor for it. The possibility to utilize mass communicating is responsible for unprecedented planetary audiences for these eyeglassess. As can be seen, the media makes it possible for the whole universe to take part in a certain manner in mega-events by e.g. watching them on Television or reading about them in newspapers. Second he names a theoretical account called tri-partite theoretical account . Within this theoretical account are sponsorship rights, sole broadcast medium rights and selling which have been pulling patrons by the association with the athleticss and the huge planetary audience exposure the events achieve. ( Robertson, 2006:2 ) . And thirdly there is besides the importance of using as host state, metropolis or part because harmonizing to Robertson ( 2006: 2 ) mega-events have become seen as valuable promotional chances for metropoliss and parts. Particularly this 3rd ground makes obvious why there are ever so many metropoliss, parts and states using to host such a large spectacle. However, these bidders should take into consideration that hosting a mega-event can besides do negative impacts. For illustration for the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing where a immense figure of people has been displaced in the readying of the Games for constructing the needed substructure. This is a bad issue because the same job will inevitable occur for the Olympic Games taking topographic point in London 2012 and likely besides for all the approaching Games in the hereafter. However, when believing about this it is non truly sensible that for illustration the local population has to endure when a mega-event is taking topographic point in the country where they are populating. Otherwise hosting a mega-event has many advantages for the host metropolis, part or state: legion occupations are created and most notably there is the possibility of enlarging touristry. But harmonizing to Roche ( 2000: 141 ) : [ aˆÂ ¦ ] any new command is likely to concentrate on long-run image-building and non short-run touristic economic returns. That means that those responsible of a possible host metropolis or state know, that they might non profit from the event short-run but there will be more touristry long-run due to an improved image for illustration. This goes along with Kang and Perdue ( 1994 ; as cited in Roche, 2000: 141 ) : mega-events have a long-run impact on international touristry to the host state ; the impact is the greatest in the twelvemonth following the event and diminishes over clip. Besides that there are other writers who besides see the possible economic impact. As stated by Toohey and Veal ( 2007 ) the possible positive economic consequence is the ground for metropoliss and states to offer to host a mega-event. In add-on to the possibility to enlarge touristry in long-run there are several other stimulations to host a mega-event harmonizing to Richard Cashman ( 1999 ; as cited in Toohey and Veal, 2007: 74 ) : He mentions different signifiers of bequests like economic benefits, built environment ( transport substructure ) , public life, political relations, civilization and built clean substructure. All these bequests benefit the host metropolis or state long-run. Additionally to the long-run impacts there is ever the danger of incorrect appraisals harmonizing to Horne ( 2006 ; as stated in Robertson, 2006: 5 ) : [ aˆÂ ¦ ] prognosiss are about ever incorrect. [ aˆÂ ¦ ] A major concern in considerations of athleticss mega-events has been the spread between the prognosis and existent impacts on economic system, society and civilization. Harmonizing to Horne and Manzenreiter ( 2006 ) another of import fact is that on the one manus some countries will profit through tourers sing a mega-event but on the other manus the organisers have to be cognizant that tourers who possibly would hold come to see the metropolis or part will non come because they are non interested in the event. There will ever be a batch of people who come because of the event taking topographic point but there will besides be adequate people who avoid to see the host metropolis or part because they are possibly non interested in the event that is offered or they do non desire to be in that peculiar topographic point when there are so many other people at the same clip. Harmonizing to Kim and Chalip ( 2004: 695 ) sellers of mega-events have the demand to excite international trial to their event in order to optimise the events fiscal and touristry results. As seen it is the undertaking of the sellers to do a mega-event attractive to appeal to as many tourers as possible. Sing the facet of pulling tourers Kim and Chalip ( 2004 ) see events as pull-factors for finishs. This goes along with Alexandris et Al. ( 2009 ) , who mention that mega-events play an of import function in schemes that expressly target an international touristry market. In add-on to this, Weed ( 2008: 296 ) provinces that The chief economic benefit for a part derives from the ingestion by visitants during the event and increased touristry in the station event period. As can be seen he besides mentions the addition of touristry takes topographic point after the event and to boot brings up the theory of ingestion during the event. But it is non easy to gauge the economic benefit that will be made through hosting a mega-event because along with Preuss ( 2008 ; as cited in Weed, 2008: 296 ) one of the chief hurdlings in finding the economic impact of major multi-sport events on a metropolis or part is the deficiency of cognition on ingestion forms of visitants and the figure of ind ividuals that are sing the event. There are many different parties that make net income through the ingestion of the visitants like air hoses, hotels, eating houses, sightseeing administrations every bit good as general tourer attractive forces. As a mega-event is such a large spectacle it has to be planned for a really long clip. Harmonizing to Robertson ( 2006: 10 ) [ aˆÂ ¦ ] things come together after months and sometimes old ages of planning. Therefore different stakeholders are indispensable as there are so many undertakings that have to be fulfilled and as there is the demand of a immense sum of money to do mega-events go on. This leads to a really of import inquiry: who is paying for organizing any sort of mega-event? A perfect illustration that shows the complexness about funding a mega-event are the approaching Olympic Games in London 2012. As the official Internet website presentation of the Olympic Games in London provinces, there are two cardinal administrations one private, one populace. ( London 2012, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to this website the private sector is the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games ( LOCOG ) . The budget they have will be delivered through the privat e sector by for illustration the sale of tickets and trading articles, every bit good as it will have income from the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) and extra money through a domestic sponsorship programme ( London 2012, 2010 ) . The public sector, which is responsible for the new locales and the substructure, is represented by the Olympic Delivery Authority ( ODA ) . TheA ODA is funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Greater London Authority, the London Development Agency and the Olympic Lottery Distributor ( London 2012, 2010 ) . As can be seen there are many different organisations that have to pay a immense sum of money to fund this specific large spectacle. And of class it would non be possible to do such an event happen if there were non so many support it. However, as mentioned by Toohey and Veal ( 2007 ) the host metropolis or state knows beforehand that hosting a mega-event will be them more money than they in fact will derive. So why are at that place each clip so many bidders who want to host a mega-event? This inquiry can easy be answered with the already above mentioned statements that the long-run impacts of these events are more of import for a metropolis or the whole state than the fact that they have to pay more money than they really will have through hosting them. This facet was already found out by Pyo et Al. ( 1988 ; as stated in Roche, 2000: 141 ) by looking on several Olympic Games between 1964 and 1984, that there were non adequate visitants and there was non adequate disbursement by them to warrant the event costs . Along with Toohey and Veal ( 2007: 127 ) the most of import beginning of income for the organisers are the airing rights: [ aˆÂ ¦ ] the Olympic Movement is significantly dependent on income from airing rights. Furthermore they list some other chief beginnings of income for Game events: universe and local sponsorship, ticket gross revenues, lottery, sale of trading articles every bit good as Government contributions. ( Toohey and Veal, 2007: 135 ) . These statements show that there are many beginnings where money can be gained earlier and during a mega-event but it has ever and likely will ever be less than the money spend beforehand and during the event by the organisers. Research for this essay shows that it is non easy to specify mega-events in one term due to the immense scope of bing events. However there are assorted sorts of events that are called mega-events but each individual event has a different figure of visitants, a different mark group that is attracted and besides the continuance varies. The fact that mega-events can take topographic point practically all over the universe makes them a modern-day issue for the travel and touristry industry. There may be some tourers who could be afraid to see a certain state for illustration due to political issues or wellness hazards. Therefore each state that is chosen to host a mega-event will hold different impacts. There will ever be a difference in the figure of visitants attracted to an event and above all each host metropolis or state will hold different long-run touristry impacts afterwards. As seen hosting a mega-event does non gain the host metropolis or state short-run but all the statements like enlarging touristry long-run, constructing enduring conveyance substructure and edifice up the image of a state are more of import than the loss of money that likely will be coming in the old ages after the event took topographic point. But even when the costs for hosting mega-events are much higher than the money gained through them such immense events are really of import for the whole universe as already mentioned by Robertson ( 2006 ) and Weed ( 2008 ) . Because of all the above mentioned statements mega-events are a modern-day issue for travel and touristry and due to the fact that such events will at least take topographic point in the close hereafter the issues will be prevailing. In the sentiment of this essays writer events and particularly mega-events conveying the universe together due to the planetary importance and decidedly assist people to acquire a better apprehension of other states. Mega-events like Olympic Games and exhibitions have been and go on to be of import phenomena at many degrees and in many respects . ( Roche, 2000:5 )

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Beatrixs Act Two Monologue from Promedy

Beatrixs Act Two Monologue from Promedy This comedic monologue is from Promedy, a teenage comedy about the senior prom, written by Wade Bradford. This monologue can be used as practice material for a performer, or as a monologue to use at an audition. It is also appropriate as a classroom exercise for drama students, especially for high school classes. Context of the Promedy Monologue In this scene, Beatrix confronts Dante, an arrogant drama-geek who has been chasing after the girl of his dreams since kindergarten, the lovely cheerleader, Kay Nordstrom. But once Kay finally falls for Dante, he freaks out and tries to run away. Fortunately, his friend and rival Beatrix talks some sense into him. BEATRIX: Hold it right there, Dante! I’ve watched you do this all your life, from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. But it’s not going to happen tonight. Don’t look at me like that, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Remember first grade? The lunchroom. You’re walking around begging for a chocolate chip cookie. â€Å"Oh, I’m little Dante and I’m so sad. My mommy packed nothing but veggies. Oh, I wish I had a cookie. Oh if only!† Here, Dante, I said kindly, here’s a chocolate chip cookie, and what did you say? I’m not hungry. Flash forward. Third grade, playground. It’s the game of tag. You’re it. A hundred kids are running around and you can’t catch a single one. You’re desperate, you’re panting, you’re crying for someone to slow down so that you don’t have to be it anymore. So, feeling sorry for you, because I’m an idiot, I walk right up and say, â€Å"Here Dante, I’ll be it. You can tag me.† And you say? I don’t want to tag you. That’s too easy. Whatever you can’t have, that’s what you want. That’s why you’ve said you were in love with Kay all these years. You knew, deep down that, she would never return your affection. And that made things easy and safe. Every time she ignored you, that meant that you’d never have to feel anything real. You’d never have to know what it’s like to have someone who wants to be with you, which meant that you could always be alone. But is that what you want, Dante? Look at her. You’ve been chasing Kay like she was some sort of dream. Well†¦don’t you want it to come true? Wait, why are you looking at me like that? Exploring the Monologue Beatrix is a senior in high school who has a romantic vision of the senior prom as a special event in life that should not be missed. However, the prom is canceled and she must find a way to revive it or risk losing out on this rite of passage. In this monologue, she shows a degree of maturity in understanding Dantes habit of only pursuing desires he cannot fulfill. Once they are possible, he abandons them. The performer can choose how sarcastic and mocking to be in delivering the lines. It can be played with a mix of genuine affection for Dante as a friend as well as the need to tell him the hard truth about his behavior. Promedy is published by Eldridge Plays.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Access Restrictions to Social Security Death Index

Access Restrictions to Social Security Death Index The Social Security Death Master File, maintained by the US Social Security Administration (SSA), is a database of death records collected from a variety of sources used by the SSA to administer their programs. This includes death information collected from family members, funeral homes, financial institutions, postal authorities, States and other Federal agencies. The Social Security Death Master File is not a comprehensive record of all deaths in the United States- just a record of those deaths reported to the Social Security Administration. The SSA maintains two versions of the Death Master File (DMF): The  full file  contains all death records extracted from the SSA database, including death data received from the States, and is shared only with certain Federal and State agencies pursuant to section 205(r) of the Social Security Act.The  public file  (commonly referred to as the Social Security Death Index, or SSDI), as of 1 November 2011, does  not  include protected death records received from the States.   According to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), which disseminates the Death Master File, â€Å"Section 205(r) of the Act prohibits SSA from disclosing state death records SSA receives through its contracts with the states, except in limited circumstances.† This change removed approximately  4.2 million of the 89 million deaths at that time contained in the public Death Master File (Social Security Death Index), and approximately 1 million fewer deaths are now added each year.  At the same time, the Social Security Agency also stopped including the decedent’s residential state and Zip code in the public file (SSDI). Why the Changes to the Public Social Security Death Index? The 2011 changes to the Social Security Death Index began with a  Scripps Howard News Service investigation in July 2011, that complained about individuals using Social Security Numbers for deceased individuals found online to commit tax and credit fraud. Large genealogy services which offered access to the Social Security Death Index were targeted as helping to perpetuate the fraud related to use of social security numbers for deceased individuals. In November 2011, GenealogyBank removed social security numbers from their free U.S. Social Security Death Index database, after two customers complained their privacy was violated when the Social Security Administration falsely listed them as deceased. In December 2011, following a petition sent to the five largest genealogy services who provided online access to the SSDI, by  U.S. Senators  Sherrod Brown  (D-Ohio),  Richard Blumenthal  (D-Connecticut),  Bill Nelson  (D-Florida) and  Richard J. Durbin  (D-Illinois), A removed all access to the popular, free version of the SSDI that had been hosted on for over a decade. They also removed social security numbers for individuals who died within the past 10 years  from the SSDI database hosted behind their membership wall on,  due to sensitivities around the information in this database. The Senators December 2011 petition urged companies to remove and no longer post on your website deceased individuals Social Security numbers because they believe that the benefits provided by making the Death Master File readily available online are greatly outweighed by the costs of disclosing such personal information, and that ...given the other information available on your website full names, birth dates, death dates   Social Security numbers provide little benefit to individuals undertaking to learn about their familial history.  While the letter conceded that posting the Social Security numbers is not illegal under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), it also went on to point out that legality and propriety are not the same thing. Unfortunately, these 2011 restrictions werent the end of the changes to public access to the Social Security Death Index. Pursuant to law passed in December 2013 (Section 203 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013), access to information contained in the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File (DMF) is now limited for a three year period beginning on the date of an individual’s death to authorized users and recipients who qualify for certification. Genealogists and other individuals can no longer request copies of social security applications (SS-5) for individuals who have died within the past three years under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Recent deaths are also not included in the SSDI until three years after the date of death. Where You Can Still Access the Social Security Death Index Online

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Customs in Saudia Arabia Research Paper - 1

Business Customs in Saudia Arabia - Research Paper Example Before opening the business in Saudi Arabia, it is important to keep in mind that it is a conservative country and its ethics and culture are no way similar to a western country like America. In Saudi Arabia, business activities are conducted at a slower pace compared to the US and so meetings initiate slowly. My advice to my client is to keep patience during business meetings as Arabians prefer to start meetings with informal conversations like topics about family and hobbies. My American client may find the meetings disordered as it is a common scenario that Arabians do not refrain from attending phone calls or allowing other people to interrupt. Americans make it a point to switch off their phones and pay total attention to whoever is speaking. In Saudi Arabia, my client will need to take the effort to bring the meeting back on track after any disruptions. While doing business with the Arabians time is not a factor since they prefer to do business at the leisurely pace. They engag e in courtesies which are lengthy, and pleasantries are exchanged both in the beginning and even during the course of the meeting. My client should be careful to avoid asking about the other person’s female relatives. Business conversations do not start before coffee is served and they frequently fall silent which indicates not rudeness but that they are contemplating. Contrary to the Americans who are task-oriented and therefore more particular about time, the Arabian culture is more relation-driven and so they focus on timing.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Children's behaviour towards undirected recreational play Research Paper - 1

Children's behaviour towards undirected recreational play - Research Paper Example Some of these common play activities include: hide and seek; peek a boo et cetera. Michael (2009) argues that to children, play tends to be instinctive. According to research conducted by American Association for Physical activity (2012), it illuminates that besides play being fun and exciting, it also facilitates the development of a child’s cognition, and motor skills including imagination, problem solving, creativity and social skills. Perhaps, this explains the notion that children who are playful usually tend to be intelligent and emotionally stable. Gray (2008) points out that one way of categorizing child play is directed and undirected play. Directed play is where play is controlled by adults. Gray (2008) further asserts that this mainly occurs in schools particularly early childhood classes such as Early Years, and primary. The adults engage the children in organized activities where the children have to follow the rules outlined by the adults. Moreover, the objective and focus of play, which is mostly to win in accordance to the stipulated rules, is dictated by the adults. Undirected play, on the other hand, takes place without the supervision of adults. In this play, the children are simply left to create their own forms of play. One common instance is during break time in learning institutions where children are left to play on their own. Several research studies have focused on the impact and importance of play among children. However, it will be prudent to focus on the impact and importance of a specific category of play. This main objective of this research paper, therefore, is to determine children’s behavior towards undirected play. To achieve the above objective, a specific objective will focus on identifying the importance and impact of directed and undirected play among children, as well as the behavioral problems. Gray (2008) focuses his literature work on the value of play. He

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Speech Coaching Essay Example for Free

Speech Coaching Essay Problem Definition Communication, particularly oral communication is an essential skill, maybe more now than ever. With all of the electronic communication, good oral communication should stand out. Justification for Problem Definition Communication skills simply do not refer to the way in which we communicate with another person. It encompasses many other things the way in which we respond to the person we are speaking, body gestures including the facial ones, pitch and tone of our voice and a lot of other things. And the importance of communication skills is not just limited to the management world, since effective communication skills are now required in each and every aspect of our life. We can measure the importance of communication skills in the business sector when we take a look at job advertisements. There is little chance that you will come across an advertisement which does not mention that candidates should have good communication skills. List of Alternative course of action . Hiring a speech consultant. 2. Onsite communication and speech training. 3. Online or remote communication and speech training. Evaluate Alternatives 1. Conduct in house training sessions. First we have to hire employees with high effective communication skills, with this the amount of investment in the communication training should be minimized, then to conduct a periodic and regular in-house sessions and workshops to develop and enhance their communication skills. . Communication training for all employees. Communication training will help business to grow, essential communication skills training is required to be provided to all employees, but more advanced levels of training should be provided to front liners and executives, as effective communication skills are important for business continuity and growth. The company will invest a lot in this training but most probably will gain the benefits of this investment. 3. Communication training for leaders and front liners. Provide top notch communication skills training for company’s leaders, who are expected to train and mentor their subordinates on how to communicate effectively. Providing this kind of training to front liners will help improving business and grow sales figures. Conclusion Recommendations First and third solutions are recommended to be conducted along with each other’s to help have better communication across the company and with external parties.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Fiscal Rescript Of Umar II :: Islam Religion Essays

The Fiscal Rescript Of `Umar II From `Umar b. `Abd al `Azà ®z, Commander of the Faithful, to the governors: Verily God sent Muhammad "with the Guidance and the Religion of Truth that He should make it supreme over every form of religion, rage the associators of gods with God as they may." [Koran, 9:34] And verily the religion of God wherewith He sent Muhammad is His Book which He sent down upon him, that God should be obeyed therein and that His command should be followed and what He has forbidden be avoided, and that His limits should be upheld and His ordinances observed, that what He has made unlawful should be prohibited, and that His right should be confessed and that men should be ruled by what He has revealed therein. Wherefore whoso follows the guidance of God is guided aright, and whoso turns away from it "he hath erred from the even way." [Koran 2:108] And verity of obedience to God, as He has revealed in His Book, is that all men everywhere should be summoned to Islam and that the gate of emigration should be opened to all the people of Islam, that the alms and fifths should be applied according to the decree of God and His ordinances, and that men should seek their livelihood with their own possessions on land and sea, being neither hindered nor withheld. As for Islam, verily God sent Muhammad to all men everywhere, as He hath said: "And we have not sent thee save universally to men as a messenger of good tidings and of warning." [Koran 34:28] And He hath said: "O ye people, verily I am the Messenger of God to you all." [Koran 7:157] And God, blessed and exalted is He, hath said in that wherewith He commands the Believers in regard to the associators: Then if they repent and observe the prayers and pay the zakà ¢t, they are your brethren in the Faith." [Koran 9:11] This is His decree and law; to follow it is obedience to God, to depart from it is rebellion. Wherefore summon to Islam and command thereto, for God hath said: "And who is better of speech that he who summons to God, and doeth good, and saith,`I am indeed one of the Muslims.'" [Koran 41:32] Wherefore, whosoever accepts Islam, whether Christian or Jew or Magian, of those who are

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Political Theory in International Relations Essay

World politics is a very broad and challenging topic to discuss. Indeed it is so hard to understand the facts about world politics. I suppose that the study of world politics itself requires indepth and thorough research on the topic. When facts are put the way they are, world politics becomes even more complicated. Since politics is the process by which people make decisions, these decisions can vary depending on the environment, culture and the political history and backgrounds. The fact that politics depend on an individual thinking makes the matter more complicated. Different people may have different ideologies has to the organization of politics in their country but all these have to be harmonized so that we have a central government which is organised. (Alan, 1997 pp. 190) Theory is key in understanding world politics because it is the basis with which a particular group will adopt a particular political pattern. Democratic kinds of governments have had this type of system because of theories. A theory is an abstract preposition about an object, person or situation. According to some political systems they is an open system whereby the state supposes that the people will participate in free politics. Theory has seen the division of politics into right wing and left wing politics. Though this theory has been in use for a along time, the use has been used by nation to nation differently. In essence the meaning of right wing politics is the type of political organization which values tradition and capitalism i. e. they regard most social inequality as a result of natural inequalities. The left wing theory of politics values egalitarianism i. e. they try to eradicate social inequality in their systems. Some ideologies tend to combine both left wing and right wing politics coming up with views held by liberals, socialists and conservatives. These are normally referred to as the Christian democracy. (Waltz, 1959 pp. 362) Theorists have come up with several theories to explain the world politics and if we are to understand well these theories we need to know what they use as a gauge. The theorists belief that inorder to look at the actors who interact in politics we must look at the system with which they interact. It’s important to look at the setup of political structures and see the fundamental characteristics which can translate to the world politics. The organisation of the world politics is so much seen in the setup of the domestic politics. Macroeconomic theory thinking theory ought to explain how politics should e like. It is said that nations in a political system are like firms in a domestic economy. Every state has a core purpose of coexistence: to survive despite the odds. If a state is to survive therefore their is need for an organised political system. (Elshtain, 1995. pp 570) The state has to form a structure which is organised and ordered and this is evident from its differentiation and specification of units. The units should be organised in a way that they harmonise each other, theorists explain that their is need for a comprehensive setup of a theory so that the politics of the world will be in harmony. Conclusion The topic of world politics is very important yet very controversial. Today there is no accepted formula or way of rule of the politics. Theory has developed from time immemorial and is very significant in understanding the politics of the world. Variations, however still arise as to whether the stability of the nations contribute to the world politics. Do countries which are termed stable have a stand in politics; do they influence the world politics? Are states like the US of significance to the world politics? And are the developing and the less developed countries of influence to the world politics? All these are questions which are so important in understanding the world politics and if we have to harmonize the meaning of world politics, then we need to stick to the theories which are drawn from several parts of the divide. Reference: Elshtain, J. (1995) International politics and political theory, Cambridge: Polity. Pp. 567-589 Alan, C. (1997) Theory and politics in world politics, Journal vol. 41, pp. 187-216 Waltz, K. (1959) Man, the state and war, New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 354-367

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Intention Letter Exchange Program Essay

With this letter my intention is to express the reasons for why an academic exchange is of interest to me, especially one for the ISC Paris. I am a Business Administration student at â€Å"Universidad La Salle†, I find my career very interesting and I really enjoy being a part of it, that’s why it developed great interest in me to know that the ISC was a school specialized in Administration committed to train students to become first class business people. In Mexico, we do not have a reputable University or Institute focused in Administrative Sciences, which is why from that moment, I knew that the ISC was the educational option that I was looking for. I researched more about the Institute and I realized that it is part of the prestigious French system â€Å"Grandes Ecoles† which immediately makes it an excellent choice in education and an institution that will be very important to my profession, boosting my career as well. I think France is a beautiful country that has too much to offer: from culture, food, landscapes, people, modernity, to its geographic location and boundaries with other major countries. Speaking of its capital, I believe Paris is one of the most exciting and dynamic cities in the world and it would be an honor to be a part of its student population, I think it will have a very good influence in me, studying in the city where most major French multinational corporations are located, where professional forums, conferences and fairs also take place, not mentioning it is full of culture and history to acknowledge and admire. I consider that this exchange is an ideal opportunity to relate and learn influenced by a vast diversity of cultures that will form a new international perspective in me. It will be a different experience in which I will be interacting in foreign languages such as English and French, something that will be invaluable in my future life. I’m sure ISC Paris is the right place for me, and it would be an honor to me to contribute with my knowledge and skills being part of the student community.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Censorship1 essays

Censorship1 essays The freedom to read is essential to the democratic way of life. But today, that freedom is under attack. Private groups and public authorities everywhere are working to remove both books and periodicals from sale, to exclude certain books from public schools, to censor and silence magazines and newspapers, and to limit "controversial" books and periodicals to the general public. The suppression of reading materials is suppression of creative thought. Books and periodicals are not the only ones being suppressed by pressures to the political and social systems. They are also being brought against the educational system, films, radio, television, and against the graphic and theatre arts. However or whenever these attacks occur, they usually fall at least one of the following categories: Religion War Sociology Language Inappropriate Adolescent Behaviour What is Obscenity? Clearly something hard to talk about constructively. "Obscenity" is difficult to discuss honestly. After all, what makes a thing obscene? It is Something too vague perhaps to be defined. It's an elusive term we use, but can't explain. Different people often see things differently. Some see obscenity in nude pictures, statues, paintings, etc. While others find less obscenity in these things. All the same, "obscene" isn't the same as "wrong" or "bad". Clearly obscenity is not identical with evil. It only covers a single segment of it. But what is that segment? A look at the words "obscenity" and "pornography" suggests that it is a segment that didn't worry people very much till relatively recently. Though censorship was known in english law quite early on, ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Robert E Lees Civil War Battles

Robert E Lee's Civil War Battles Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia from 1862 to the Civil Wars end. In this role, he was arguably the most significant general of the Civil War. His ability to gain the most from his commanders and men allowed the Confederacy to maintain its defiance of the north against increasing odds. Lee was the principal commander in several Civil War battles. Battle of Cheat Mountain, September 12-15, 1861 This was the first battle where General Lee led Confederate troops in the Civil War, serving under Brigadier General Albert Rust. He fought against Brigadier General Joseph Reynolds entrenchments at the top of Cheat Mountain in western Virginia. Federal resistance was fierce, and Lee eventually called off the attack. He was recalled to Richmond on October 30, achieving few results in western Virginia. This was a Union victory. Battles of Seven Days, June 25-July 1, 1862 On June 1, 1862, Lee was given command of the Army of Northern Virginia. Between  June 25th to July 1st, 1862, he led his troops into seven battles, collectively called the Battles of Seven Days.   Oak Grove: The Union army attacked in a swampy area. When darkness descended, the Union army retreated. The results of this battle were inconclusive.Beaver Dam Creek or Mechanicsville: Robert E. Lee pushed against General McClellans right flank. The Union army was able to hold back the attackers with heavy casualties. However, the arrival of Stonewall Jacksons troops meant that the Union position was pushed back. Nonetheless, this was a Union victory.  Gaines  Mill: Lee led his troops against a fortified Union position north of the Chickahominy River. The Confederates were eventually able to push the Union soldiers back across the river, resulting in a Confederate victory.  Garnetts and Goldings Farms: Confederate Major General John B. Magruder under Lees command fought against the Union line that was stationed south of the Chickahominy River while Lee was fighting at Gaines Mill. The results of this fighting were inconclusive.  Savages Station and Allens Farm: Both these bat tles occurred on June 29, 1862, the fourth day of fighting during the Seven Days Battles. The Union was  retreating after deciding not to advance on Richmond. Robert E. Lee sent his forces after the Union troops,  and they met in battle. However, the results of both of these battles were inconclusive. Glendale/White Oak Swamp: These two battles occurred as the Union troops were retreating. Stonewall Jacksons troops were kept tied up in the battle at White Oak Swamp, while the rest of the army tried to stop the retreat at Glendale. In the end, the battle was inconclusive.  Malvern Hill: The Confederates under Lee tried unsuccessfully to attack the Unions fortified position on top of Malvern Hill. Confederate losses were high.  McClellan withdrew to the James River, ending the Peninsula Campaign. This was a Union victory. Second Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, August 25-27, 1862 The most decisive battle of the Northern Virginia Campaign, troops led by Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet were able to score a huge win for the Confederacy.   Battle of  South Mountain, September 14, 1862 This battle occurred as part of the Maryland Campaign. The Union army was able to take over Lees position on South Mountain. However, McClellan failed to pursue Lees devastated army on the 15th, which meant Lee had time to regroup at Sharpsburg.   Battle of Antietam, September 16-18, 1862 McClellan finally met with Lees troops on the 16th. The bloodiest day of battle during the Civil War occurred on September 17th. The Federal troops had a huge advantage in numbers, but  Lee continued to fight with all his forces. He was able to hold off the federal advance while his troops retreated across the Potomac to Virginia. The results were inconclusive, though strategically important for the Union army.   Battle of  Fredericksburg, December 11-15, 1862 Union Major General Ambrose Burnside tried to take Fredericksburg. The Confederates occupied the surrounding heights. They repelled numerous attacks. Burnside decided in the end to retreat. This was a Confederate victory.   Battle of Chancellorsville, April 30-May 6, 1863 Considered by many to be Lees greatest victory, he marched his troops to meet the federal troops who were trying to advance on the Confederate position. The Union force led by Major General Joseph Hooker decided to form a defense at Chancellorsville. Stonewall Jackson led his troops against the exposed Federal left flank, decisively crushing the enemy. In the end, the Union line broke and they retreated. Lee lost one of his most able generals when Jackson was killed by friendly fire. This was a Confederate victory. Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 In the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee attempted a full assault against the Union forces led by Major General George Meade. Fighting was fierce on both sides. However, the Union army was able to repulse the Confederates. This was a key Union victory. Battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864 The Battle of the Wilderness was the first of  General Ulysses S. Grants offensive into Northern Virginia during the Overland Campaign. Fighting was fierce,  but the results were inconclusive. Grant, however, did not retreat.   Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, May 8-21, 1864 Grant and Meade tried to continue their march to Richmond in the Overland Campaign but were stopped at Spotsylvania Courthouse. Over the next two weeks, a number of battles occurred, resulting in 30,000 total casualties. The results were inconclusive, but Grant was able to continue his march to Richmond. Overland Campaign, May 31-June 12, 1864 The Union Army under Grant continued to make their advance in the Overland Campaign. They made headway to Cold Harbor. However, on June 2, both armies were on the field of battle stretching seven miles. Grant ordered an attack that resulted in a rout for his men. He eventually left the field of battle, choosing to approach Richmond through the less well-defended town of  Petersburg. This was a Confederate victory. Battle of  Deep Bottom, August 13-20, 1864 The Union Army crossed the James River at Deep Bottom to start threatening Richmond. They were unsuccessful, however, as Confederate counterattacks drove them out. They eventually retreated back to the other side of the James River. Battle of Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865 General Robert E. Lee attempted at Appomattox Court House to escape the Union troops and head towards Lynchburg, where supplies were waiting. However, Union reinforcements made this impossible. Lee surrendered to Grant.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The History of Midwifery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The History of Midwifery - Essay Example This view has been part of the midwife profession since ancient times (Brucker, 2000) and is one of the most important differences between the roles of doctor and midwife. Another equally important difference is that midwives provide emotional support to mothers, as well as assistance during the birthing process. The word midwife has its roots in old English, and literally means "with woman" (Brucker, 2000), referring to a woman who works with women in labor. The very name of the profession implies that when the term was first used, the role of a midwife was to provide support, rather than intervention. Midwifery is one of the few medical professions that are traditionally dominated by women. It is also one of the oldest known medical professions. The practice of midwifery is clearly referred to in the Bible (Brucker, 2000) and in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, and it is known to have been part of early Greek and Roman society. Certain qualifications for the role of midwife began to evolve during this time - for example, midwives in Greece were required to have given birth themselves before they could begin working with other women. Several cultures still have this requirement for their midwives up until the present day. Midwives are even part of the legends of some ancient cultures. ... Other Athenian doctors became jealous of her success, and thinking she was a man, accused her of corrupting her patients. After revealing her identity as a woman, Agnodice was charged with practicing medicine. The charge was dismissed after many of her female patients protested; stating that without Agnodice's care, many of them might have died. According to the legend, this incident precipitated the overturning of the law against females practicing medicine, however afterwards they were only allowed to have female patients. The Roman physician Soranus of Ephesus practiced medicine during the first and second centuries AD. He wrote over 20 medical books, the most significant of these being Gynecology (Randall, 1997), a highly detailed text about human reproduction. Among other things, the characteristics and roles of midwives were outlined in this text, as well as descriptions of childbirth and instructions for the care of newborns. According to Soranus, a good midwife was "literate, with her wits about her, possessed of a good memoryunafraid in danger andfree from superstition" (Randall, 1997, p6). Midwives were involved in most aspects of pregnancy and birth, from examination of women to determine whether they were pregnant and care of women during pregnancy, to the actual birth itself and care of the mother and child afterwards. Throughout this period and later during the Middle Ages, the skills and knowledge of midwives was passed down through the generations using the apprentice system (Stock-Morton, 1996, p61), where new midwives were trained by being apprenticed to practicing ones. New midwives learned by watching experienced midwives work with women

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Breastfeeding for the First Time Mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Breastfeeding for the First Time Mother - Essay Example hat are Health care professionals (fellow nurses etc.), English speaking, have delivered their first baby, and are postpartum in an inpatient hospital unit. They will be mothers that have requested a course and are coming of their own free will. Availability of resources has been a major issue for educators, as lack of resources often causes ineffective outcomes. However, in order to deliver classes efficiently, there will be need of various resources. In specific, during the classes, I will be focusing significantly in utilizing the tools of information technology that will enable me in achieving the objectives for this course in an efficient and interactive manner. Additionally, it will be a lot easier to inform the audience about different aspects of breastfeeding, and especially first-time breastfeeding through equipments such as multimedia projector that will be the fundamental support in delivering content of the course adequately and significantly. It will allow me to show pictures and power point presentations from a computer and actively engage the audience with the information. Besides a multimedia projector, a dry erase board is another resourceful tool that will allow on the spot discussions and noting down of r elevant points during the class. Using secondary research methodology to acquire quality resources from the library and from the internet will be very beneficial for me in delivering the class effectively, as well as for the audience to understand the matter appropriately. Specifically, the internet will allow me to acquire pictures and videos that will facilitate me in delivering the information to mothers that will not be in my reach through the medium of language. Sources from the internet that I plan to utilize are the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE, 2010) resource page, as well as the La Leche League (LLLI, 2010) resource page on their respective websites. From these websites, one gold standard reference -

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Paradoxes of Whistle-blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paradoxes of Whistle-blowing - Essay Example Third, the act is required, whether or not it is moral to do so or not. The act needs to be performed because of a rational non-moral reason. In this context, whistle-blowing is morally problematic because there is confusion on whether whistle-blowing should be something morally permissible, morally required or at the other extreme morally wrong. Whistle-blowing involves revealing information that ordinarily, would not be revealed, because one is entrusted with that information. By this definition, the police officer, the criminal informant or the clerk who happens upon evidence of wrongdoing in another department, are not whistle-blowers because they have not been entrusted with the information, even if they were while working under false pretences. According to the standard theory, whistle-blowing is permissible when an organization's product or policy is harmful to the public; when the prospective whistle-blower has identified the harm, reported such to a superior, and the superior does nothing about it; the prospective whistle-blower has done everything possible within the organization to call attention to the identified harm. Additionally, according to the standard theory, whistle-blowing is required when the prospective whistle-blower has evidence that will convince an impartial observer that the threat to public safety is correct; and when the prospective whistle-blower is convinced that revealing the threat will be able to prevent harm at reasonable cost. Generally speaking, there appears to be nothing wrong with the standard theory, except S1 which places the burden of identification of the gravity of the threat is the judgment of the whistle-blower, as well as S5, which again puts the burden of judgment regarding reasonable cost on the shoulders of the whistle-blower.. 3. Explain the three paradoxes that Davis claims the standard theory gives rise to. If you were a defender of the standard theory, how might you respond to Davis' arguments According to Davis, the first paradox that has arisen from the standard theory is the paradox of burden. The standard theory presupposes that whistle-blowers are minimally decent individuals who blow the whistle after complying with five justifications. Actually, whistle-blowers are exemplary individuals who risk financial security and personal relations for the good of the public. The second paradox is the paradox of missing harm. According to the standard theory, the harm that justifies whistle-blowing needs to be serious and considerable in magnitude. Injustice, deception and waste are not justifications for whistle-blowing under the standard theory. The third paradox is the paradox of failure. The standard theory requires that one of the justifications for whistle-blowing is the prevention of harm. Paradoxically, if harm cannot be prevented by whistle-blowing, then it is not justified. In defense of the standard theory, the paradox of burden is the natural result for the whistle-blower. The standard theory works on the premise that organizations, unless those which are criminal, would not deliberately seek to produce harmful products for the general public. So only in extreme cases would there be a need for whistle-blowers. Relaxing the rules would only encourage unfounded complaints and back-stabbing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The main concepts of the behaviorist perspective theory

The main concepts of the behaviorist perspective theory As a reaction to the introspective analysis method in psychology and the focus on the study of mental processes, conscious or unconscious that dominated the beginning of the last century and was considered the object of psychology at that time  [1]  , a new approach was developed under the name of behaviorism. This new psychotherapeutic approach was to dominate psychology for about 50 years. Precursors of this approach are the American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike  [2]  and the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov  [3]  , but the one who is considered the father of behaviorism and established its theoretical and practical fundaments is John Watson  [4]  . Behavior becomes the focus of psychological investigation because it is the only one that can be scientifically studied and quantified, predicted and controlled. The behaviorist assumptions are that: psychology should be seen as a science and therefore it should deal with observable behaviors that generate empirical data; the environment plays a decisive role in determining behavior as opposed to the psychic inner processes; all behavior is learnt from environment and this learning process is similar to animals. In contrast with the vague concepts used by introspectionism, behaviorism places a high emphasis on the use of operational definitions that is defining various concepts in terms of observable events that may be used to describe human experience in terms of stimuli and responses. A specific characteristic of behaviorism is parsimony seeking the simplest possible explanation for any event  [5]  . Key concepts of behaviorism comprise the stimulus response (S-R) equation, the classical and operant conditioning, and the reinforcement and punishment notions. The method used to analyze behavior is the lab experiment which gave the possibility to manipulate the independent variable in order to study the dependent variable. Stimulus is a measurable change in the environment any object, fact, event or situation that may have an impact on behavior, while response is a measurable change in behavior any reaction to a stimulus either environmental or mental. The behaviorist theory excludes thoughts, feelings and other mental occurrences, and genetic factors as well, that is everything that cannot be study objectively, in observable terms. Watson took further Pavlovs idea of conditioning  [6]  and applied it to humans. According to him humans are born tabula rasa and the behavior is simply learnt from the environment through a process of conditioning. In a famous and controversial experiment because of its ethical implications, Watson and Rayner (1920) conditioned Little Albert an 18-months old toddler to develop a fear response to rats, by associating the rat NS with a strong noise UCS. They conducted their research following the classical conditioning scheme: Noise (UCS) Anxiety (UCR); Noise (UCS) + Rat (NS) Anxiety (UCR); Rat (CS) Anxiety (CR)  [7]  . Close related to the process of classical conditioning is the generalization that occurs. Thus, stimuli similar to the original CS would tend to elicit the same CR. In the case of Little Albert it was reported that the boy was showing strong signs of anxiety to all fluffy objects, which were similar to the white rat used in experiment. Stimulus generalization results in responding to a whole class of related stimuli, after initial learning with a single stimulus and can enable organisms to adapt better to their environment though it may not always be adaptive  [8]  . Behaviorists draw the conclusion that generalization is the first response of an organism when encountering new situations. Sometimes this generalization may take the form of stereotyping that occurs when generalizing based on group membership. To fight this phenomenon, behaviorists undertook and exemplified through research the concept of stimulus discrimination  [9]  , according to which an organism may be tr ained to discriminate between two or more stimuli that progressively increase in alikeness. As Glassman and Haddad point out stimulus discrimination always requires training in the absence of such training, organisms tend to generalize (emphasis theirs)  [10]  . Opposed to the concept of conditioning is the concept of extinction which suggests that what can be learned can also be unlearned, and that a conditional response is not necessarily permanent  [11]  . However, as some research indicate  [12]  , extinction is likely to appear in humans in some basic behaviors involving muscle responses like withdrawing from a hot surface, but not in complex behaviors which involve fear responses or other responses of the automatic nervous system and which are very hard to extinguish. Using Pavlovs extinction procedure, Watson and Rayner tried to eliminate the conditioned fear response associated with rats in Little Alberts case by presenting the rat for a period of three weeks w ithout associating it with the gongs noise. Contrary to their expectation the fear did not extinguish. Stimulus generalization and discrimination concepts as well as the extinction principle have a great importance for our discussion because they will be used in the process of developing behavioral psychotherapeutic techniques. Skinner developed the concept of operant conditioning. He argues that all behavior is modeled by complex reinforcement patterns from the environment. In his view, humans and animals actively engage with their environment, as opposed to the Watsonian emphasis on classical conditioning where they are more passive waiting for the environment to produce stimuli to which they may respond to. Skinners main idea is that human behavior is determined by the consequences of its past behavior. If from a Watsonian perspective the behavior is triggered by external stimuli, starting with Skinner the behavior may be elicited by internal stimuli as well, as a result of past internalized experiences. Thus operant conditioning is a type of learning where future behavior is determined by the consequences of past behavior. According to Skinner the past behavior may influence feature behavior depending on three types of consequences: if it had no consequence, the probability of that behavior to occur in the future is neuter; if the consequence is found pleasant, then the behavior is likely to be repeated in the future this was called positive reinforcement; if the consequence is negative, then it acts as a punishment and makes that specific behavior unlikely to appear in the future. By extrapolation, learning occurs through manipulation of positive reinforcements and punishments. Newer behaviorist approaches acknowledge that although the two types of conditioning reflex and operant were developed independent of each other by different researchers, they are interconnected and in real life situations both processes can occur simultaneously  [13]  . Practice therapeutic process and methods The behavior therapeutic approach emerged from these behavioral principles of classical and operant conditioning. All behavior is learnt and therefore abnormal behavior is seen as the result of faulty learning. In order to cure the individual needs to learn the correct behavior. The behavioral therapy applying the principle of here and now focuses on the present behavior which the patient finds problematic as opposed to the psychodynamic therapy that focuses on identifying and uncovering unconscious conflicts from childhood. The therapist sees the patient as standing at the intersection between genetic inheritance and learning that occurred through interaction between individual and environmental stimuli. These result in maladaptive thoughts, feelings, attitudes and verbal behavior. Conventionally, the psychotherapeutic process starts by behavior analysis  [14]  . The focus is on indentifying the current stimulus response relationship. Based on the disruptive behaviors identified the therapist designs a program (the psychotherapeutic process) meant to help the patient unlearn the faulty responses and if appropriate learn more adaptive behaviors. The patient is explained how the psychotherapy works, how the conditioned responses were learnt somewhere in the past and how the very same behavioral responses can be modified using the techniques of behavioral therapy. According to Bennet, behavior therapy differs from psychoanalytic therapies in the following regards: it is directive, the therapist actively involves in the therapeutic process, using methods based on learning principles; the goal of therapy is different in that it intends to change behavior not to reconstruct personality; the therapy is shorter than other forms; the interventions are symptom specific, closer to the medical model of intervention rather than the psychoanalytic catharsis or insight  [15]  . Behavioral techniques emerged from the classical conditioning principle involve systematic desensitisation, aversion therapy, implosion therapy and flooding. Operant conditioning techniques are related to what is commonly known in therapy as behavior modification, behavior shaping and token economy. Systematic desensitization is the treatment of choice for phobias and various anxiety inducing behaviors. It aims at replacing the patients anxiety response with a relaxation one, by increasingly exposing the patient to a hierarchy of stimuli from the less anxiety evoking to the anxiety evoking stimulus itself. During the process, the patient goes to the next stage of the stimulus hierarchy only after succeeding to be fully relaxed in the present of the previous stimulus. This method requires the training of the patient in relaxation techniques  [16]  and involves the use of imagination, since when is impossible to be confronted with the actual situation (like is the case in social p hobias) the patient has to imagine being in those situations, following that life itself will offer opportunities to see if the therapy is successful or not. So, the exposure can be done in vitro or in vivo, depending on the phobic stimulus. However, studies have emphasized that the important factor in curing is the exposure to the feared object or situation by breaking the avoidance cycle created and reinforced in any phobia. Aversion therapy is used to induce an aversive response to stimuli which are associated with existing undesirable behaviors. It has been used in trying to treat alcoholic addiction, by associating a nausea producing drug or a small electric shock with the undesired behavior of drinking. As a result of this stimuli association, the patient is provoked to vomit. This supposedly might determine the patient avoid drinking in the future. However, this method raises serious ethical and effectiveness problems, the rates of relapse being reportedly very high. Implosion therapy and flooding involve that the patient has to face the worst possible fear producing situation, in imagination only in the former and in the physical context in the latter. In contrast with systematic desensitization which presupposes a gradual exposure to the stimuli, these techniques are more radical and less time consuming. If successful, the patient might be cured of a phobia in one hour. The advantage of this method is that the patient learns that there are no objective bases for his/her fear by accepting to openly confront it. Ethical problems are associated as well in regard to suffering from therapy. Derived from operant conditioning, the behavior modification method is largely used in educational and clinical psychology contexts. It reinforces desired behaviors and ignores or punishes undesired ones. This techniques raises problems in choosing reinforcers since people can potentially respond to a wide range of such stimuli. Similar to behavior modification is the behavior shaping technique successfully used in working with autistic children in order to maintain a desired behavior. Another operant application has been used in institutions (for examples schools and hospitals) within the programs called token economies, where conditioned reinforcers are offered to strengthen specific behaviors. Tokens are offered in exchange of a desired behavior and can later be transformed in something that the individual wants. Token behave as a secondary reinforcement for the primary reinforcements which are in fact desired. It may be also used to extinguish undesired behaviors by taking away t he earned tokens to punish undesired behavior. Taken economies are uncommon and inefficient in treating mental disorders, although they might contribute to alleviating some disruptive behaviors associated with mental disorders, such as aggressiveness, inadequate social interaction and use of bad language  [17]  . Evaluation of the approach strengths and limits One of the major strengths of this approach is questionably considered its scientific background. Developed from lab experiments on animals (Pavlov-dogs, Thorndike cats, Watson rats, Skinner pigeons and rats) it focuses exclusively on behavior which can be observed and objectively measured. The behaviorist human being is concrete, realistic, determined in its actions by the environment and the society that he/she lives in. This theoretical approach proved to be productive in creating psychotherapeutic methods, mainly successful in the area of phobias and addictions. Compared to other approaches behaviorism is supported by many experiments. However, there are discrepancies between the empirical and the theoretical developments in behaviorism, which is considered a limitation of the approach. Initial empirical studies were made on animals (as mentioned above) while the theoretical studies are done by generalizing observations made on animals upon humans. This fact cumulated with the declared behaviorists rejection of the importance of mental processes offers a very fragmented and simplistic view of human being. Watson believed that observing and describing behavior is enough to predict and control it. Thus, he eliminated explanation from psychology. Psychic life was acknowledged but its understanding was not considered necessary because it will finally manifest itself at behavioral level. At this point we need to reconsider what meaning we give to the term scientific, in regard to our double perspective taken by the present work. If scientific means that positive methods in studying human being (similar to the study of rocks, animals, meteorological phenomena etc.) are favored, then we might as well consider this psychological approach a step forward on the terrain of positive science. But if scientific means to conceptualize the human being in all its wholeness in order to understand its starting point, its inner resorts and teleological direction, then behaviorism might be seen as an unacceptable lessening of the complexity and mystery of human being. The intense use of lab experiments present the disadvantage of a low ecological validity  [18]  . In time it became obvious that understanding of behavior cannot come from the laboratory. On the other hand behaviorism was criticized as being reductionist by eliminating the meditational processes and too deterministic by the fact that human being is presented as not possessing free will. Another weakness identified by ethnological studies show that the principles of conditioning are not as universal as was once asserted  [19]  . However, maybe the most informed criticism is provided from within, by a behavior therapist like Lazarus connected with Joseph Wolpe, who states in regard to behavior therapy that: the methods of behavior therapy are extremely effective when applied to carefully selected cases by informed practitioners. But when procedures overstep the boundaries of their legitimate terrain, ridicule and disparagement are most likely to ensue. Far from being a panacea, the methods are then held to have no merit whatsoever, and the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bath waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The danger lies in a premature elevation of learning principles into unwarranted scientific truths  [20]  . Comparison with psychodynamic perspective Within the behaviorist approach various theorists hold positions that may vary in some degrees but fundamentally assert the same thing: behavior is the new found object of psychology; this allows psychology to behave and to be considered a natural science; a belief that its legitimate to study the animal behavior and compare it with human behavior; the emphasis on environment as causation of behavior and consequently dismiss mental processes. The psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives on human being are opposed. They started from very different points in defining what human being is. Furthermore, the behaviorism appeared as a reaction to psychoanalysis and other currents in psychology that used the method of introspection to define and explain the inner, immaterial and unseen mental processes. Their approach was considered by behaviorists as mysticism. The focus in psychodynamic theories and practice is on inner processes that are seen as motivating and influencing behavior, while the focus in behaviorist theories and practice is on the outer world, i.e. environment that is seen as determining behavior. The change in psychoanalysis comes by uncovering unconscious conflicts that are the underlying causes of behavior, while the change in behaviorism comes by manipulating the environment in order to remove undesirable behavior. These opposing perspectives do not completely eliminate dialogue since the unification point i s the human being itself. For example, if a Freudian theorist suggests that adult behavior can best be understood by looking at childhood experiences, Skinner agrees but suggests that the connections are based on the reinforcement history of the person, not some vague concept of conflicts between id and ego  [21]  . In the Freudian understanding of human nature, the person is born with instincts, hence the development of the drive and unconscious psychology, as opposed to the Watsonian perspective where humans are born tabula rasa. The behaviorist theorist Skinner describes the inner life as a black box. He acknowledges its existence but he sees it in behaviorist terms. For him the private inner life is also behavior  [22]  . However, in the view of the major differences presented above we are enabled to draw the conclusion that psychoanalysis and behaviorism have as a starting point different assumptions concerning human nature and therefore, develop at the conceptual- the oretical and practical-therapeutic level towards two distinct finalities. This point is very well made clear by Watson in one of his famous quotes: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant -chief and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for thousands of years  [23]  . Contributions to new developments Despite all its limitations, the behaviorist approach has some positive points as well: provided psychology with new and quantifiable concepts, opened the gate to new theories and explanations in psychology, crated more realistic methods. Somehow ironically, one of the major contributions made by behaviorism concerns the possibilities of research opened towards the investigation of cognitive processes that they initially rejected, which will fundament the new cognitive approach in psychology. For example, Edward Tolman, regarded as one of the founders of the cognitive approach, considered himself a behaviorist though not a radical behaviorist like Skinner. In addition, the study of many cognitive issues, such as observational learning imitation) and the use of hypotheses in problem solving, began with similar behaviorist studies of animals. Where the introspectionists failed in their attempts to make sense out of mental processes the behaviorists have pointed the way to new possibil ities for a scientific psychology of the mind  [24]  . Neobehaviorism introduces the meditational processes (motive, emotion) between stimuli and response.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Morals and Ethics in the Movie Wall Street Essay -- Film Movie Wall St

Morals and Ethics in the Movie Wall Street The movie 'Wall Street' is a representation of poor morals and dissapointing business ethics in the popular world of business. This movie shows the negative effects that bad business morals can have on society. The two main characters are Bud Fox played by Charlie Sheen and Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas. Bud Fox is a young stockbroker who comes from an honest working-class family but on the other hand, Gordon Gekko is a millionaire who Bud admires and wants to be associated with. Greed seems to be a huge theme of this movie. This movie portrays the unethical society we live in. It shows how money oriented society has become and that people will do almost anything to get ahead. Competitiveness has become such a widespread game all over the country, especially in big cities. At the start of Wall Street, Bud Fox is young and insecure about the business world. Bud is a broker seeking new clients and offering second-hand advice regarding the buying and selling of stock. Bud was faced with a choice that would change his life. He was so sure he wanted to be involved with Gordon Gekko that he was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of his immoral scheme. It only took about five minutes for Bud to agree to give insider information about stocks to Gekko in order to become more lucrative and manipulative at the same time. Bud wants to sell him stocks, and hopefully one day be like he is. Bud is obviously desperate to d...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Physiological Impacts of World War Two Essay

When a soldier enlists into the military forces they know they are going in to fight for their country and freedom for everyone. They spend months training and preparing for the war and what to come. They learn to fight, shoot, and kill enemies, but what they do not learn is how to cope with the after math of the war. Soldiers in war every year come home with many post traumatic effects from what they had witnessed. During world war two this was known as shell shock; however what can be concluded is that world war two impacted the soldiers emotionally and physiologically from the time they entered to post war. World War Two was one of the biggest struggles nations everywhere have ever seen. â€Å"It killed more people, costs more money, damaged more property, and affected more people†¦than any other war in history† (The History on the Net Group). People everywhere were in panic when the War started. With all the damage done during the war it can be imagined how the soldiers were traumatized by losing their fellow soldiers. â€Å"The number of people killed, wounded, or missing between September 1939 and September 1945 can never be calculated, but it is estimated that more than 55 million people perished† (The History on the Net Group). Soldiers were devastated by the tragedies that occurred at the time of war. However, before the war started there were a lot of causes that went into why everything ended up in war. World War Two began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany’s invasion of Poland. The war was triggered by Germany’s invasion of Poland but the causes of the war are far beyond this fact. After World War One had occurred Woodrow Wilson, the president of the United States of America wanted to make a treaty on his four point plan to bring peace to Europe. Other countries involved in this treaty did not have the same idea as President Wilson. George Clemenceau wanted revenged. He wanted to make sure Germany would never be able to start a war again. When Germany received this treaty they were very surprised with the terms. The terms included, war guilt clause, which meant Germany accepted all the blame for  World War One. Reparations, Germany had to pay millions in damage from the war. Disarmament, Germany could not have tanks or air force and land was taken away from them and given to other countries. The Germans were not happy with this treaty and thought of it as very harsh. However the Germans took responsibility and continued on in hope to get revenge later. In 1919, to help keep the world safe for democracy the League of Nations was set up. League of Nations would intend that if there were disagreements between countries they would negotiate rather than fight. The failure of the League of Nation can be summarized by points such as, not all countries joining in such as Germany as a punishment and Russia because of the spread of communism. The League of Nations had no power or any army. Countries were hesitant to get involved with an aggressive country and taking direct action against them. These things led to the fall of the League of Nations. People were angry because they did not want to cut off resources with other countries, even if they were aggressive because during the late 1920’s depression hit most of them. â€Å"The depression destroyed the market for imported silk from Japan, which had provided the country with two fifths of its export income’’ (The History on the Net Group). Economic problems played a fundamental part in the cause of World War 2. Germany, one of the poor countries became crippled in power and vulnerable. When Adolf Hitler came into power he immediately began placing blame on other countries and making Germany at the top of resources again. All these aspects lead to the start of World War two in Europe. As the war in Europe continued President Franklin D. Roosevelt told America he did not want to get involved. He thought it was better to stay neutral in this matter and let them handle their own battle. The United States decided to eventually join the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, however the issues had started years before Pearl Harbor was attacked. It starts with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, China. The Japanese invade Manchuria on September 18th, 1931. China was in the middle of a depression, so the Japanese had the upper hand. When Russia found this out they were enraged meaning America was as well, being alliances with Russia. Also, â€Å"the Japanese invading China violated the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 which renounced war as national policy† (Ketchum). The United states told Japan  if they don’t get out of China, they would stop trading oil with them. Japan stayed in China so the U.S stopped trading oil. Japan disliked this and held a grudge on America for years. Besides this, The US was already trading with other countries through the Lend-Lease Act, a document allowing the US to lend countries like Britain war materials in exchange for money. Germany was also angry that America was helping their enemies. As a result the Nazi’s decide to sink the U.S supply ships to help keep them from sending resources to other countries. However, President Roosevelt did not want to enter war until the attack of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii occurred. This pushed the United States into the war officially on December 8, 1941. Right after we entered the war Hitler declared war on the United States. Followed by a United States declaration of war against Germany, and then the United States was fully involved in the war. America did not want to go to war but when America was targeted they decided to counter attack, however they did not plan on going to war with Germany but once they did it lead to one of the biggest and bloodiest wars of all time in history. My grandfather, Edward Weil was lucky and un lucky enough to be able to experience World War 2. As a veteran of war he tells me all his stories about what the war was like. â€Å"The war was a very hard time.† He tells me, â€Å"it was rough but it also brought the nation closer together and America’s pride shined.† When I asked my grandfather why he joined the war he has told me about the attack of pearl harbor and how everyone had to stand for the pledge of allegiance out of respect and when he put his hand to his heart a navy officer came up to him and told him, â€Å"You would look very good in a uniform.† It really made my grandfather look at what he wanted to do and how he wanted to protect his nation. At the same time joining the war also impacted him in a negative way. During the war my grandfather was nervous but knew this was what he wanted to do. He saw the Japanese bomb his mother ship and his sailors being killed and put on the edge of the deck to take back and bury. These experiences get scarred into soldiers minds forever. They cannot escape what they saw and those horrific actions done to one another. My grandfather was only 17 years old when he entered war. He wanted freedom and security for the American people. However, as a young teenage boy still the war affected his emotions and to this day it is still  a very sentimental and emotional topic to him. During my interview with my grandfather as I talked about what he wished he could change about the war, he started to tear up and told me about all the people lost to the war and his friends. His ship pulled next to another ship while it was burning and the people were asking for help and they tried to save as many people as they could. My grandfather even lost his left hearing due to the war. He is very proud to show his metals from the war and how he helped our nation. My grandfather is very proud to be a world war to veteran.